A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.

The Clock is Running

Roth IRAs offer significant financial and estate planning benefits. If a person has a substantial balance in a traditional IRA and is considering converting it to a Roth IRA, there may be no better time than now. This article explains how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act both enhances the benefits of a Roth IRA and reduces the cost of converting.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.

7 Deadly Estate Planning Sins

According to literature, the “seven deadly sins” are lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy and pride. Although individuals may be guilty of these from time to time, other types of “sins” can be fatal to an estate plan if one isn’t careful. This article details seven transgressions to avoid.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.

IDGT: This Trust is Supposed to “Fail”

Trusts come in all shapes and sizes. However, from an income tax perspective, there are basically two types: grantor trusts and nongrantor trusts. An intentionally defective grantor trust (IDGT) has the best attributes of both trust types. This article explains how an IDGT works. A sidebar discusses the ins and outs of selling assets to an IDGT.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
A Last Will And Testament sitting on a desk with a pen on top of it.
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